Full Testimonials

Grace Mason

This booklet, Forced Sunday Sacredness – Say No, reminds me of a booklet I read in 2006 when I was still a Sunday Christian. It is called Rome’s Challenge and it certainly challenged me. It asks Sunday Protestant Christians why they worship on a Sunday and explains that it was the Roman Catholic Church that changed the Seventh-day Sabbath to the Sunday, by their own authority and with no Biblical references.

After a lot of study, I told my pastor about this booklet and his parting words to me were ‘Even if it is true, we are not changing. We have always done it this way.(ie worshipped on a Sunday). I was astounded. Even if it is true?? This pastor would prefer to follow tradition rather than the truth.

The next Saturday was my first day as a Seventh-day Sabbath keeper. That was July 2007. I prefer the truth over tradition.

Now we can see the push for Sunday Laws worldwide. We need to be aware of this and be ready to say ‘NO’ to forced Sunday worship.

Grace Mason UK

Forced Sunday Sacredness – SAY NO

This book has been published to help the reader grasp a greater understanding of what is happening today.  Read and make your own decision.

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