Chapter Four: Your Right to Choose

Your Right to Choose

Yes, this is your right.  Every human being has a right to choose.  At this moment in time you might be thinking “I don’t care, the Sunday laws that are being implemented don’t affect me”.  This might be your current opinion but read on.

As time progresses the laws to make Sunday sacred will increase.  Will we have climate lockdowns like we had health lockdowns which will “just happen” to be on Sunday?  This may appear strange as Sunday has the least amount of pollution already.  These lockdowns may start with the pretext of protecting the climate, but will their purpose change to keeping Sunday sacred?

What would you say if you were soon forced to go to church on Sunday for the collective goodwill of society?  An atheist for example might have no interest in going to church, or keeping Sunday sacred, or any day for that matter, but this is their right and their right only.

The Bible says “Choose ye this day…”  It is a choice and whilst I am a Christian and I keep the Bible Sabbath (Saturday) sacred, I would NEVER dream of forcing my beliefs onto you. In the same way, I do not want those who believe in keeping the first day of the week (Sunday)  sacred, to push their holy day onto you either.

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To Chapter Five











Forced Sunday Sacredness – SAY NO

This book has been published to help the reader grasp a greater understanding of what is happening today.  Read and make your own decision.

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