Sunday Worship

Take the Challenge:
Where did Jesus say in the Bible that He was changing the Sabbath to Sunday?
When did He say this?
When did Sunday worship commence?
Do any Christians still keep the seventh-day Sabbath that began at Creation?
What day do you keep, and why?


Rome’s Challenge  – The Roman Catholic Church maintain they changed the Saturday Sabbath to the Sunday Sabbath with no Biblical Authority.

Is Sunday sacredness in the Bible? – Very interesting posts debating this subject.

Sunday Sacredness – From Bible Answers

Climate Healing by doing less – one day a week – Arlington Catholic Herald. This article claims that the Lord’s Day Sabbath is the 3rd Commandment. However when the Roman Catholic Church talks about the Sabbath they are talking about the first day of the week or Sunday. They are not talking about the original seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday). The correct Sabbath can be found in Exodus 20: 8-11 where it states in the 4th Commandment (not the 3rd) to keep the seventh-day as the Sabbath. The whole 10 Commandments can be found in Exodus 20:1-17. Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 confirms the Creation of the earth including the seventh day when God rested and blessed and sanctified the seventh day.

Forced Sunday Sacredness – SAY NO

This book has been published to help the reader grasp a greater understanding of what is happening today.  Read and make your own decision.

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